Monday, May 25, 2009


Before you read any further, let me warn you that this entry may seem rather cryptic. If you look back in time to it from the future however, you will understand fully what I am talking about here.

That said...

As I write this, I am nowhere near famous, not even as an "internet celebrity." Probably the only people who read my blog entries--aside from my two friends who signed up to follow it--are other friends and people I already know.

...Which makes this an ideal time to post this particular entry, as you will find me at a more vulnerable place than usual. I am also an intensely private person, regardless of all appearances to the contrary.

Currently, I am on the edge of a life so familiar that I have journeyed to the furthest point I can possibly go without falling off of it into an entirely different world. You can bet your bottom dollar I am making the leap, but I just want to breathe in and center myself prior to what is coming.

The next chapter of my life is like a double-edged sword: It will serve me in some ways, but may wound me in others, which is the reason I am taking my time before I dive off of the edge. Life in that next world will be rewarding in terms of reaching more people and making a difference in many more lives, but it won't be without its challenges.

I have waited my whole life to get to this point, but now that I am finally here, I am bracing myself for the impact of what is to come.

After all, where I am going, everybody who is in the know will be familiar with me and my work. There's no such thing as invisibility in this other world. You may wonder--especially if you're a "Leo" type who loves putting on a show and being showered with attention--what could possibly be so wrong with such a scenario.

See, I enjoy it too, but since I am an empath and can be rather sensitive (though my sensitivity is nowhere near what it was when I was younger, thank goodness), I have to make a conscious effort to remain down to earth and surround myself with positive energy; this way, I remain grounded and clear-headed, especially in a reality so far removed from that of most others that it's practically a fantasy.

Basically, I don't ever want to be swayed from the purity of my intentions, despite the hurdles and temptations that wait for me along the way. Instead, I want always to stay in touch with who I am deep down inside... who I am on a soul level.

...And so I hold that intention.

Thank you for joining me at this moment in time.

For now, I will be sitting here between these two worlds a little while longer before finally plunging headlong into the inevitable.

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